What Bandwagon?

Sarah Palin's probable love of hockey must be discounted to achieve desired results.

Sarah Palin's probable love of hockey must be discounted to achieve desired results.

ESPN Sportsnation’s latest poll: If there was a preseason NFL game on oppostite game 7 between the Penguins and the Capitals, which would you watch?

The results: A brutal 37% pick the NFL game.

The NFL game is in red and the NHL in blue. And the states have voted remarkably similarly to how they did in the 2008 Presidential Election. I think we can say with some confidence that excepting the coasts, Americans are not open to new sports. And even the coasts aren’t open to soccer, which is just like hockey but at half speed, with 1/10th the shots, 1/3 the goals, and no checking or fights.

You’ll be able to find the poll here.

2 Responses to What Bandwagon?

  1. […] a style of analysis I’m sure totally divorced from his contempt for bandwagon DC sports fans, Mike opines: The results: A brutal 37% pick the NFL […]

  2. Jon says:

    I do appreciate the solid screenshot upgrade.

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